156-180_The real story of English language teaching in Syrian high schools_
Batoul Khoja and Debasish Mohapatra
181-194_Adding rigour to language variety continua_
Eric Ambele and Richard Watson Todd
195-203_The dynamic construction of identity in the ELF intercultural communication_
Farah Aimee Virador
204-211.Evidence-based data collection in the study of self-efficacy_
Jariya Sudtho and Punjaporn Pojanapunya
212-224_Armies of two effective one-to-one writing tutorials_
Jeremy Phillips and Hilda Fok
225-235_The lexis of Christian sermons in English_
Joseph Jayakar
236-251_ESLEFL classroom and culture_An Indian context_
Kamruzzamam Choudhury
252-263_Lesson Openings_
Khin Soe Myint Aung and Saowaluck Tepsuriwong
264-279_A case study of teachers_ beliefs and practices with English-medium Instruction
Lingrui Xu and Maneerat Chuaychoowong
280-290_When one size doesn’t fit all_
Philip Brannan
291-304_Genre analysis in letter of application and syllabus design_
Pratabjai Tatsanajamsuk
305-311_Enhancing Students’ Language Competencies through Collaborative Learning_
Raziel Felix-Aguelo
312-327_Engagement in literature reviews_
Supattra Amornrattanasirichok and Woravut Jaroongkhongdach
328-337_Exploring logical thinking through the use of logical connectors_
Tripoom Rojanavarakul and Woravut Jaroongkhongdach
338-359_Maam, let me tell you our story_
Wan Yau Ni
360-367 Reimagining Southeast Asian Englishes in formal and informal ELF interactions_