Outcome-based Education Workshop 4-en

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The Office of General Education, School of Liberal Arts at King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, is renowned for its expertise in outcome-based educational management (OBEx) and learning design to ensure desired learning outcomes. With over 10 years of experience in this field, the office recognizes the importance of enhancing teachers’ abilities in outcome-based education management, teaching techniques, and knowledge transfer to align with course objectives and facilitate learners in achieving specified learning outcomes. To address this need, the office has organized a training program called “Curriculum and Course Design Workshop According to the OBE Approach (Learning and Developing from Others),” specifically focused on developing instructors’ potential in curriculum and course design aligned with OBEx guidelines. The fourth batch of this program took place from June 28 to July 1, 2023, at the Sapphire Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Novotel Bangkok Platinum Hotel. The event will feature two formats of activities.

  1. Participants will have the opportunity to attend a special talk by Assoc. Prof. Bundit Thipakorn on “Trends in Higher Education in the Future.” This talk aims to provide insights into curriculum and course design according to the OBE approach. Topics covered will include needs analysis, stakeholder involvement, the establishment of course-level learning outcomes (PLOs) based on stakeholder needs, constructive alignment design, designing learning activities in line with the learning outcomes, and assessing evidence of learning.
  2. Real practice in curriculum design and sharing

Additionally, to further benefit the participants, the organizing committee prepared problem assignments for experiential learning. This component enables participants to apply their newfound knowledge and skills independently.