Cooperation between PSU and KMUTT on an outcome-based education sharing initiative for Active Learning of General Education courses-en

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Office of General Education, School of Liberal Arts, collaborated with Prince of Songkla University (PSU) and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) to organize an outcome-based education initiative on Active Learning in General Education courses.  These two universities will take turns administering this initiative annually.  The event will alternate between the two universities as hosts.

This year, on 13-16 June 2023, academic staff and support staff from Office of General Education visited “Education and Innovative Learning Academy” at PSU to learn and share about management and how to manage study timetables for students, as well as for the staff to disseminate research findings at the 11th PSU Education Conference “Academic Honesty in Disruptive Education: A Challenge for Global Citizens” on 15-16 Jun 2023. At the conference, four research study topics from the Office of General Education were presented.