KMUTT English Camp 2019 – EN

From Saturday the 26th to Sunday the 27th, October 2019, the department of Language Studies presided over “KMUTT English Camp 2019” at Chaosamran Beach, Phetchaburi, for both Thai and international students of KMUTT. The primary objectives of this event included to encourage the students to have more confidence in speaking English, to enhance interactional skills and team-working skills, as well as to facilitate intercultural understandings among the students. During the camp, the students were assigned a mission – Photo Contest which required them to take pictures in a group, and presented/narrated a story from the photos taken. The locations were Khao Wang and the beach. In addition, there were some activities allowing the students to use and practice their English to accomplish the tasks, including word formation from the nicknames, Hot Potato, picture illustration, and so on.