Richard Watson Todd is Associate Dean for Research. He is also Associate Professor in the Department of Language. Contact: irictodd@kmutt.ac.th, 0-2470-8792

Stephen Louw is a Researcher and also a lecturer in the Department of Language. His research interests centre around issues in language teaching education. Contact: stephen.lou@kmutt.ac.th, 0-2470-8794

Punjaporn Pojanapunya is a Researcher. She conducts research in several areas of Applied Linguistics, including discourse analysis, materials design, computer-mediated communication, and language learning motivation. Her special interests include keyword analysis, corpus linguistics, and corpus-based discourse analysis. Contact: punjaporn.poj@kmutt.ac.th, 0-2470-8794

Saranya Saranchat is a General Administrative Officer. She has worked for Research Support. Her responsibilities are research funding coordinating, collecting and providing SoLA research database, research ethics process, etc. Contact: saranya.sar@kmutt.ac.th, 0-2470-8795