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Lhakard, P

Imaginative solutions for an evolving market: Using the business model canvas to design innovative adult learning programs in Thailand (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, EBSCO).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, Q2, Scopus, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

Transforming business landscapes: Strategies for sustainable and innovative growth in Thailand (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

AI catalyst: Revolutionizing workforce development - a comprehensive study of intelligent learning systems (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

The nurturing Gen Z's potential: A multidimensional approach to preparing for an AI-driven future (Journal)

2024, (TCI/2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, TCI, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

Digital human resource professionals: Empowering talent in the tech era (Journal)

2024, (EBSCO).

(BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

Concept and care policy in Thailand to analysis on shifting paradigm from institutional care system to alternative care system (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

Organizational citizenship behavior for preparing Gen-Z in the modern era: A comprehensive review (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Lhakard, P

A comparative analysis of STEM design curriculum policy for country development: A case study of Taiwan and Thailand (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)