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186 entries « 1 of 4 »


Boonmoh, A; Kulavichian, I

Exploring the creation of online self-English learning materials by Thai third-year pre-service teachers (Journal)

2025, (Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Srimanoi, W; Boonmoh, A

English clickbait language features which attract Thai tertiary EFL learners (Journal)

2025, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)


Sanmuang, K; Boonmoh, A; Inree, T; Kha-angku, P

Exploring ChatGPT prompts used by Thai EFL elderly students to promote community products and their attitudes towards ChatGPT: Case study of Sakon Nakhon School for the elderly, Thailand (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q3).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q3, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Pinchai, P; Sojisirikul, P

Using micro-content modules to enhance students' critical reading ability (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI/1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Phanitphim Sojisirikul, Q2, Scopus, TCI, พนิตพิมพ์ โศจิศิริกุล)

Puvacharoonkul, P; Darasawang, P; Phangwiwat, T; Wiwatphonthana, P; Itthipuripat, S

Investigating Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Working Memory Manipulation across Linguistic and Non-linguistic Domains of Bilinguals (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI/1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Pornapit Darasawang, Q2, Scopus, TCI, พรนภิส ดาราสว่าง)

Lhakard, P

Imaginative solutions for an evolving market: Using the business model canvas to design innovative adult learning programs in Thailand (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, EBSCO).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, General Education, Journal, Polwasit Lhakard, Q2, Scopus, พลวศิษฐ หล้ากาศ)

Janmaimool, P; Chontanawat, J; Nunsunanon, S; Chudech, S

The causal relationship model of factors influencing COVID-19 preventive behaviors during the post-pandemic era and implications for health prevention strategies: a case of Bangkok City, Thailand (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1, EBSCO).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, Humanities, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Siriphan Nunsunanon, Social Sciences, Surapong Chudech, ศิริพันธ์ นันสุนานนท์, สุรพงษ์ ชูเดช)

Trakulkasemsuk, P; Trakulkasemsuk, W

Harnessing social media in higher education: An examination of advert poster design and brand identity within Thai universities (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI/1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk, วรรณภา ตระกูลเกษมสุข)

Rangsarittikun, R

“She kinda kookie but she is a sweet lady”: How student evaluations on a professor-rating website reveal the students’ concerns about English language education (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun, Scopus, รณกฤต รังสฤษติกุล)

Boonmoh, A; Kulavichian, I

Enhancing online and intercultural communication skills through an online training program for Thai undergraduates in the New Normal (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q3).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q3, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Raj Dhakal, K; Watson Todd, R; Jaturapitakkul, N

Input as a key element in test design: A narrative of designing an innovative critical thinking assessment (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI/1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Natjiree Jaturapitakkul, Q2, Richard Watson Todd, Scopus, TCI, ณัตจิรี จาตุรพิทักษ์กุล)

Pojanapunya, P; Lieungnapar, A; Vungthong, S

Exploring continuing professional development practices among English teachers in Thailand after a large-scale teacher training (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Punjaporn Pojanapunya, Q1, Scopus, Sompatu Vungthong, TCI, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา, สมพธู หวังทอง)

Rangsarittikun, R

Steering towards the Savvy: Students’ interpretations of intercultural competence and their intercultural learning in EFL classrooms (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun, Scopus, รณกฤต รังสฤษติกุล)

Janmaimool, P; Chudech, S; Khajohnmanee, S; Chontanawat, J

Communicating norms to increase food delivery customers’ sustainable waste management behaviors (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1, ScienceDirect).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Journal, Q1, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Sciences, Surapong Chudech, สุรพงษ์ ชูเดช)

Boonmoh, A; Chanchay, K

The integration of soft skills in language learning classroom: The perspective of Thai ELT teachers at a university of technology (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Janmaimool, P; Chontanawat, J; Chudech, S

The effects of perceptions of environmental health risk and environmental risk on sustainable infectious waste management behaviours among citizens in Bangkok, Thailand (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1, ScienceDirect).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Journal, Q1, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Sciences, Surapong Chudech)

Lim, E H; Vungthong, S; Trakulkasemsuk, W

Trash-talking versus toxicity: An analysis of /all chat exchanges between Southeast Asian players of an online competitive game (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, Sompatu Vungthong, Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk, วรรณภา ตระกูลเกษมสุข, สมพธู หวังทอง)

Kammayee, M; Tepsuriwong, S

A case study of an interplay of an in-service teacher’s possible selves in his professional development (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Saowaluck Tepsuriwong, Scopus, TCI, เสาวลักษณ์ เทพสุริวงศ์)

Lee, B J; Reinders, H; Bonner, E

Monitoring engagement in the foreign language classroom: Learners’ perspectives (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hayo Reinders, Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Scopus)

Waluyo, B; Zahabi, A; Ruangsung, L

Language assessment at a Thai university: A CEFR-based test of English proficiency development (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ali Zahabi, ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI)

Boonlue, S; Manyuen, M; Neanchaleay, J; Boonmoh, A; Nittayathammakul, V

The inquiry-driven VCoP model to promote digital agriculturalists’ learning competencies in the agriculture 4.0 era (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q3).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q3, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Rangsarittikun, R; Watson Todd, R

The languaging curriculum in practice: Communicating successfully on social media (Journal)

2024, (Scopus, Q1, ERIC).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun, Scopus, รณกฤต รังสฤษติกุล)

Nakamura, S; Darasawang, P; Reinders, H

A practitioner study on the implementation of strategy instruction for boredom regulation (Journal)

2024, (WoS, Scopus, Q1, EBSCO).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, Hayo Reinders, Journal, Language Studies, Pornapit Darasawang, Q1, Scopus, WoS, พรนภิส ดาราสว่าง)


Boonmoh, A; Jumpakate, T

The present state of online teaching of general education courses in terms of instructors’ and students’ experiences, needs, and challenges (Journal)

2023, (Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Boonmoh, A; Tuaynak, A

An exploration of explicit teaching of reading with Thai students of low EFL proficiency: Factors affecting reading comprehension (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q3, ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q3, Scopus, TCI, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Dhakal, K R; Watson Todd, R; Jaturapitakkul, N

Unpacking the nature of critical thinking for educational purposes (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Natjiree Jaturapitakkul, Q2, Richard Watson Todd, Scopus, ณัตจิรี จาตุรพิทักษ์กุล)

Komonniramit, K; Tepsuriwong, S

Learners’ motivation to participate in course-adjunct English activities: A case study of a high- and a low-motivation learner (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Saowaluck Tepsuriwong, Scopus, TCI, เสาวลักษณ์ เทพสุริวงศ์)

Chantaraphat, Y; Jaturapitakkul, N

Use of peer tutoring in improving the English speaking ability of Thai undergraduate students (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Natjiree Jaturapitakkul, Q2, Scopus, TCI, ณัตจิรี จาตุรพิทักษ์กุล)

Jirapornvaree, I; Keeratiratanalak, A; Panyagometh, A

Assessing the economic and environmental effects of plastic bag management in Thailand: Bangkok and Phuket provinces (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q1, ScienceDirect, EBSCO).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: EBSCO, Humanities, Ittisak Jirapornvaree, Journal, Q1, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Sciences, อิทธิศักดิ์ จิราภรณ์วารี)

Panseeta, S; Watson Todd, R

The influence of contexts and orientations on interlocutors’ choices of concept reiterations (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Richard Watson Todd, Scopus, TCI)

Rangsarittikun, R

Insights from the coffee talk: A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of power manifestations around the word ‘students’ in the discussions on (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun, Scopus, รณกฤต รังสฤษติกุล)

Zahabi, A; Amini, M

[Review of the book ESL/EFL teaching practice and methodology: 20 Years of experience teaching English in a single book!, by Jackie Bolen] (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ali Zahabi, ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI)

Dobson, J A; Sojisirikul, P

Teachers’ voices when giving feedback: Causes of foreign language classroom anxiety and feedback strategies to reduce students’ FLCA (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Phanitphim Sojisirikul, Q2, Scopus, TCI, พนิตพิมพ์ โศจิศิริกุล)

Trakulkasemsuk, W

[Review of the book Pragmatics in English as a lingua franca: Findings and developments, by Ian Walkinshaw] (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Book review, ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI, Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk, วรรณภา ตระกูลเกษมสุข)

Boonmoh, A; Kulavichian, I

Exploring Thai EFL pre-service teachers’ technology integration based on SAMR model (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Foster, H; Reinders, H

Of horses and water: Giving learners free rein in developing their autonomy (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Hayo Reinders, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI)

Sojisirikul, P; Chanchula, N

Use of VoiceThread for reflective speaking (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Nawiya Chanchula, Phanitphim Sojisirikul, Q2, Scopus, TCI, นวิยา จันจุฬา, พนิตพิมพ์ โศจิศิริกุล)

Boonmoh, A; Kulavichian, I

A study of Thai EFL learners' problems with using online tools and dictionaries in English-to-Thai translation (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Watson Todd, R

Cohesion and coherence analyses of extended written schizophrenic discourse: An exploratory case study (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Richard Watson Todd, Scopus)

Boonmoh, A; Kamsa-ard, T

Preservice EFL teachers' anxiety regarding the online teaching practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Thailand case study (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Panyagometh, A; Jirapornvaree, I; Keeratiratanalak, A

Understanding plastic bag consumption and management in Thailand: Integrating a KAP model (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Ittisak Jirapornvaree, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, อิทธิศักดิ์ จิราภรณ์วารี)

Boa, H; Suwannathep, S; Gunawan, B I; Bunnag, B

Assessing the impact of mangroves in traditional shrimp farming in the Mahakam Delta using a cost benefit analysis (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q3).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Journal, Q3, Sasitorn Suwannathep, Scopus, Social Sciences, ศศิธร สุวรรณเทพ)

Tweed, A D; H., Reinders

Agency and affordances in study abroad (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hayo Reinders, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus)

Thomas, N; Bowen, A N E J A; Louw, S; Nanni, A

Performing a balancing act: A trioethnography of 'foreign' EMI lecturers in Bangkok (Book Chapter)

Fang, F; Sah, P K (Ed.): English-Medium Instruction Pedagogies in Multilingual Universities in Asia, pp. 138-154, Routledge, London, UK, 2023, (Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: book chapter, Language Studies, Scopus, Stephen Louw)

Abas, I H; Hasan, M K; Zahabi, A; Udang, L N; Mustafa, F

Catching motivation: A comparative study between Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and China university students (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ali Zahabi, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus)

Kaoropthai, C; Boonmoh, A

Challenges of teacher education programs in Thailand: Voices of CALL instructors from an under-represented context (Book Chapter)

Tafazoli, D; Picard, M (Ed.): Handbook of CALL teacher education and professional development: Voices from under-represented contexts, Chapter 15, pp. 245-260, Springer, Singapore, 2023, (Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Book, book chapter, Language Studies, Scopus, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

Rangsarittikun, R

Jumping on the bandwagon: Thai students’ perceptions and practices of implementing Google Translate in their EFL classrooms (Journal)

2023, (Scopus, Q1, Springer Link).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Q1, Ronnakrit Rangsarittikun, Scopus, Springer, รณกฤต รังสฤษติกุล)


T. Palayon, R; Watson Todd, R; Vungthong, S

From the temple of life to the temple of death: Keyness analyses of the transitions of a cult (Journal)

2022, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Richard Watson Todd, Scopus, Sompatu Vungthong, สมพธู หวังทอง)

Sattayapanich, T; Janmaimool, P; Chontanawat, J

Factors affecting community participation in environmental corporate social responsibility projects: Evidence from mangrove forest management project (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Kanchanabundhu, K; Trakulkasemsuk, W

Shift to impress: How Thai LGBTs create new terms in their daily chats (Journal)

2022, (Scopus, Q2, ERIC, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ERIC, Journal, Language Studies, Q2, Scopus, TCI, Wannapa Trakulkasemsuk, วรรณภา ตระกูลเกษมสุข)

186 entries « 1 of 4 »