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Santa, T; Tepsuriwong, S; Thepsiri, K

Q Methodology: A promising method to investigate mindsets (Proceeding)

School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi DRAL4: The 4th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand: School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 2021.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, Saowaluck Tepsuriwong, กิจจา เทพศิริ, เสาวลักษณ์ เทพสุริวงศ์)


Sittiviboon, N; Thepsiri, K

Retaining vocabulary through poetry: A Haiku a day makes memory stay (Proceeding)

Thailand TESOL Association The 40th Thailand TESOL-PAC International Conference “Harmony in Diversity: ELT in Transcultural Society”, Bangkok, Thailand: Thailand TESOL Association, 2020.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, กิจจา เทพศิริ)


Thongmak, K; Thepsiri, K

An analysis of scaffolding in IELTS self-access material for writing skill (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, กิจจา เทพศิริ)


Peerphayak, K; Thepsiri, K

Student teachers' perception of co-teaching through reflections (Proceeding)

Mahasarakham University ICELS2016: the 1st International Conference on English Language Studies, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 2016.

(BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, กิจจา เทพศิริ)


Suwannatho, N; Thepsiri, K

The correlation between low proficiency undergraduate students' attitudes and motivation (Proceeding)

Thailand TESOL The 35th Thailand TESOL International Conference "English Language Education in Asia: Reflections and Directions", Bangkok, Thailand, 2015.

(BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, กิจจา เทพศิริ)

Singhjasiri, W; Thepsiri, K

Teachers' beliefs about task-based language teaching for science and engineering Students (Book Chapter)

Darasawang, P; Reinders, H (Ed.): Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The Case of Thailand, pp. 89-108, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Book, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, Wareesiri Singhasiri, กิจจา เทพศิริ, วรีสิริ สิงหศิริ)


Boonkhaos, K; Thepsiri, K

How collaborative is collaborative group work? A case study of Thai undergraduate university students group task (Journal)

2014, (ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, TCI, กิจจา เทพศิริ)


Siripak, T; Thepsiri, K

A comparison of English-Thai translation products of a professional translator and novice translators (Proceeding)

National Institute of Development Administration ICLC2013: The 5th International Conference on Language and Communication "Innovative Inquiries and Emerging Paradigms in Language, Media and Communication", Bangkok, Thailand, 2013.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, กิจจา เทพศิริ)


Opas, R; Thepsiri, K

Word selection and attitudes towards vocabulary notebooks of SCiUS students (Proceeding)

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi NCAA 2012: The 3rd National Conference on Applied Arts, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.

(BibTeX | Tags: Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, proceeding, กิจจา เทพศิริ)

Thepsiri, K; Pojanapunya, P

Thai university students' causal attributions for success and failure in English language learning (Journal)

2012, (TCI).

(BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, Punjaporn Pojanapunya, TCI, กิจจา เทพศิริ, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา)

Kulavichain, I; Thepsiri, K

Teacher's journals as a means to record teachers' problems and solutions (Journal)

2012, (ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, TCI, กิจจา เทพศิริ)

Thepsiri, K; Pojanapunya, P

Remedial students’ attitudes towards English language learning and their causal attributions for success and failure (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, Punjaporn Pojanapunya, กิจจา เทพศิริ, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา)


Mori, S; Gobel, P; Thepsiri, K; Pojanapunya, P

Attributions for performance: A comparative study of Japanese and Thai university students (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, Punjaporn Pojanapunya, กิจจา เทพศิริ, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา)

Thepsiri, K; Pojanapunya, P

Science and engineering students’ attributions for success and failure in the EFL classroom (Journal)

2010, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Journal, Kitcha Thepsiri, Language Studies, Punjaporn Pojanapunya, Q2, Scopus, กิจจา เทพศิริ, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา)