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Buddharat, C; Hull, J C; Keyuravong, S

Language maintenance in a rural community in Southern Thailand: Ban Khiriwong (Journal)

2019, (Scopus, ScienceDirect, ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, Jonathan Hull, Journal, Language Studies, Q3, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Sonthida Keyuravong, TCI, สนธิดา เกยูรวงศ์)


Buddharat, C; Keyuravong, S; Hull, J

An ethnographic study of communication and language use in rural Thailand (Proceeding)

National Institute of Development Administration ICLC 2011: The 3rd International Conference on Language and Communication "Interdisciplinary Discourses in Language and Communication", Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Language Studies, proceeding, Sonthida Keyuravong, สนธิดา เกยูรวงศ์)

Buddharat, C; Hull, J; Keyurawong, S

Becoming an ethnographer: A personal journey of an English lecturer (Proceeding)

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi DRAL: The International Conference on Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Language Studies, proceeding, Sonthida Keyuravong, สนธิดา เกยูรวงศ์)


Mongphet, S; Hull, J; Singhasiri, W

Appropriateness of vocabulary chosen from Thai – English electronic dictionaries in writing (Proceeding)

ASIALEX 2009 “Dictionaries in Education”, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Language Studies, proceeding, Wareesiri Singhasiri, วรีสิริ สิงหศิริ)

Srimavin, W; Wall, U; Hull, J

Training around the World: Taking it to the teachers – Part one: Bureaucracy and bumpy roads (Journal)


(BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Journal, Language Studies, Ursula Wall, Wilaksana Srimavin, วิลักษณา ศรีมาวิน)

Srimavin, W; Wall, U; Hull, J

Training around the World: Taking it to the teachers – Part two: Meeting ‘needs and building on ‘expertise’ (Journal)


(BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Journal, Language Studies, Ursula Wall, Wilaksana Srimavin, วิลักษณา ศรีมาวิน)


Hull, J; Wall, U; Srimavin, W

Using English as an international language in the local context (Proceeding)

ESEA ESEA: The 12th English in Southeast Asia Conference: Trends and Directions, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.

(BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Language Studies, proceeding, Ursula Wall, Wilaksana Srimavin, วิลักษณา ศรีมาวิน)


Boonmoh, A; Singhasiri, W; Hull, J

Problems using electronic dictionaries to translate Thai written essays into English (Journal)

2006, (TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atipat Boonmoh, Jonathan Hull, Journal, Language Studies, TCI, Wareesiri Singhasiri, วรีสิริ สิงหศิริ, อธิปัตย์ บุญเหมาะ)

DoHuy, L; Hull, J; Tepsuriwong, S

Effects of extensive reading on students’ perceptions of reading ability and use of reading strategies (Journal)

2006, (TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Jonathan Hull, Journal, Language Studies, Saowaluck Tepsuriwong, TCI, เสาวลักษณ์ เทพสุริวงศ์)