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Sattayapanich, T; Janmaimool, P; Chontanawat, J

Factors affecting community participation in environmental corporate social responsibility projects: Evidence from mangrove forest management project (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


กัญจน์อธิป ปฐมวัฒนกิจ, ศศิธร สุวรรณเทพ และ จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์

การเปรียบเทียบระดับความรู้ ทัศนคติ และพฤติกรรม เกี่ยวกับการประหยัดพลังงาน ในภาคที่อยู่อาศัย อำเภอคลองหลวง จังหวัดปทุมธานี (Proceeding)

มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม การประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติและนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุมออนไลน์ ครั้งที่ 16 ประจำปี 2564 เรื่อง การวิจัยและนวัตกรรมสู่การพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน, กรุงเทพฯ, 2021.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Sasitorn Suwannathep, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ศศิธร สุวรรณเทพ)

ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล ศิริพันธ์ นันสุนานนท์, สุรพงษ์ ชูเดช จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์ ภาสนันท์ อัศวรักษ์ ภาวิณี พัฒนจันทร์ และ บัณฑิต ติรชุลี

วิถีชีวิต พฤติกรรม และความต้องการ การใช้ประโยชน์พื้นที่ชุ่มน้ำ (Report)


(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Passanan Assavarak, Piyapong Janmaimool, report, Siriphan Nunsunanon, Social Sciences, Surapong Chudech, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล, ภาสนันทน์ อัศวรักษ์, ศิริพันธ์ นันสุนานนท์, สุรพงษ์ ชูเดช)

Janmaimool, P; Chontanawat, J

Do university students base decisions to engage in sustainable energy behaviors on affective or cognitive attitudes? (Journal)

2021, (ISI, Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Piyapong Janmaimool, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล)


Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

An LMDI decomposition analysis of carbon emissions in the Thai manufacturing sector (Journal)

2020, (ISI, Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emission and economic growth in ASEAN: Cointegration and causality model (Journal)

2020, (ISI, Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

Decomposition analysis of carbon emissions of the manufacturing industrial sector in Thailand (Journal)

2020, (ISI, Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์

วิจัยเพื่อสังคม วัฒนธรรม และความยั่งยืน (Book Chapter)

อักษราภัค หลักทอง, ปัญจพร พจนปัญญา (Ed.): 20 ปี คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าธนบุรี, pp. 277-292, สินทวีการพิมพ์, นนทบุรี, 2020.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Book, Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Piyapong Janmaimool, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล)

Chontanawat, J

Dynamic modelling of causal relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emission and economic growth in SE Asian countries (Journal)

2020, (ISI, Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Janmaimool, P; Bunsri, T; Chontanawat, J; Nansunanon, S; Assavarak, P

Enhancing citizens' sense of personal responsibility and risk perception for promoting public participation in sustainable groundwater resource management in Rayong Groundwater Basin, Thailand (Journal)

2019, (ScienceDirect, Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Passanan Assavarak, Piyapong Janmaimool, Q2, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Siriphan Nunsunanon, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ปิยะพงษ์ จันทร์ใหม่มูล, ภาสนันทน์ อัศวรักษ์, ศิริพันธ์ นันสุนานนท์)

Chontanawat, J

Driving forces of energy-related CO2 emissions based on expanded IPAT decomposition analysis: Evidence from ASEAN and four selected countries (Journal)

2019, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Boontome, P; Therdyothin, A; Chontanawat, J

Forecasting carbon dioxide emission and sustainable economy: Evidence and policy responses (Journal)

2019, (Scopus, Q2).

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Puapattanakul, A; Chontanawat, J; Sripruetkiat, K; Bangviwat, A

Sensitivity of changing amount and price of crude palm oil on electricity generation cost in Krabi power plant (Proceeding)

Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment SEE 2018: The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment "Technology & Innovation for Global Energy Revolution", Bangkok, Thailand, 2018.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Decomposition analysis of CO2 emission in ASEAN: An extended IPAT model (Journal)

2018, (Scopus, ScienceDirect).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Tangon, S; Chontanawat, J; Chiarakorn, S

Factors affecting electricity consumption intensity of hotel buildings in Thailand (Journal)

2018, (ACI, TCI).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: ACI, Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Social Sciences, TCI, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Boontome, P; Therdyothin, A; Chontanawat, J

Investigating the causal relationship between non-renewable and renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth in Thailand (Journal)

2017, (Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Boontome, P; Therdyothin, A; Chontanawat, J

Analysis of the relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy utilization, carbon emissions and economic growth in Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Proceeding)

Phranakhon Rajabhat University BangkhenI-SEEC 2017: The 8th International Science, Social Science, Engineering and Energy Conference, Bangkok, ThailandBangkok, Thailand: Phranakhon Rajabhat University Bangkhen, 2017.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Assavarak, P; Klaching, P; Ratanavilaisakul, R; Chontanawat, J; Iemworamate, W; Chudech, S; Nansunanon, S

The resistance process of local community strives against Phraek Sa landfill management: Case study of Phraek Sa landfill, Samutprakan Province (Proceeding)

Suratthani Rajabhat University Suratthani Rajabhat University International Conference "Facilitating Autonomous Learning via Research-Based Approaches (FCAL)", Surat Thani, Thailand, 2016.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Passanan Assavarak, Phailin Klaching, proceeding, Riruengrong Ratanavilaisakul, Siriphan Nunsunanon, Social Sciences, Surapong Chudech, Wipawee Iemworamate, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, ภาสนันทน์ อัศวรักษ์, ริเรืองรอง รัตนวิไลสกุล, วิภาวี เอี่ยมวรเมธ, ศิริพันธ์ นันสุนานนท์, สุรพงษ์ ชูเดช, ไพลิน กล้าจริง)


Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

Sources of the change of Co2 emissions of manufacturing industries in Thailand (Proceeding)

SEEP 2015: The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Paisley, United Kingdom: University of the West of Scotland, 2015.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Okadera, T; Chontanawat, J; H. Gheewala, S

Water footprint for energy production and supply in Thailand (Journal)

2014, (ISI, ScienceDirect).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, ScienceDirect, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

Decomposition analysis of the change of energy intensity of manufacturing industries in Thailand (Journal)

2014, (ISI, ScienceDirect).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, ScienceDirect, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Okadera, T; Okamoto, N; Watanabe, M; Chontanawat, J

Regional water footprints of the Yandtze River: An interregional input–output approach (Journal)

2014, (ISI, Scopus, Q1).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q1, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Wiboonchutikula, P; Chaivichayachat, B; Chontanawat, J

Sources of energy intensity change of Thailand’s steel industry in the decade of global turbulent time (Journal)

2014, (ISI, Scopus, Q3).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, ISI, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q3, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Wiboonchutikula, P; Chaivichayachat, B; Chontanawat, J

Sources of energy intensity change of Thailand’s steel industry in the decade of global turbulent time (Proceeding)

Eight National Conference of Economists, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Okadera, T; Chontanawat, J

Water footprint for energy in Thailand (Proceeding)

SEEP2013: The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Slovenia, 2013.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

Decomposition analysis of energy intensity of Thai industries (Proceeding)

SEEP2013: The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Slovenia, 2013.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Okadera, T; Chontanawat, J

Water for bio-energy in Thailand (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; Wiboonchutikula, P; Buddhivanich, A

Decomposition Analysis of Energy Intensity of Thai Industries (Proceeding)

SEEP2013: The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Slovenia: Hotel Habakuk, Maribor, 2013.

(BibTeX | Tags: Chontanawat, Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Wachirarangsrikul, S; Sorapipatana, C; Puttanapong, N; Chontanawat, J

Impact of carbon tax levy on electricity tariff in Thailand using computable general equilibrium model (Journal)


(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Chontanawat, J

Energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions nexus in Thailand (Proceeding)

SEEP 2012: The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Dublin, Ireland, 2012.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth nexus in Thailand: Cointegration analysis (Proceeding)

SEE2011: The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment: A Paradigm Shift to Low Carbon Society, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chaisinboon, O; Sorapipatana, C; Chontanawat, J

Impacts on Thai cassava market prices due to ethanol demand for vehicles in Thailand (Proceeding)

SEES 2012: The 2nd Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Science, Singapore: Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF), 2012.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, จารุวรรณ

หลักการและวิธีการวางแผนโครงการ (Other)


(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Other, Social Sciences, Textbook, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, จารุวรรณ

การประเมินความเป็นไปได้ทางการเงิน (Other)


(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Other, Social Sciences, Textbook, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

ชนม์ธนวัฒน์, จารุวรรณ

Modeling road transportation of energy demand for Thailand (Report)


(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, report, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Gitarisyana, E; Bangviwat, A; Bustan, D; Chontanawat, J

Future natural gas price prediction in Indonesia using netback market value method (Proceeding)

SUSTAIN 2011: The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chaisinboon, O; Chontanawat, J

Factors determining the competition use of Thailand’s cassava for food and fuel (Proceeding)

The 9th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; L.C., Hunt; Sorapipatana, C

Modeling transport fuel demand for Thailand (Proceeding)

The 3rd International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chaisinboon, O; Chontanawat, J

Factors determining the competing use of Thailand’s cassava for food and fuel (Journal)

2011, (ScienceDirect, Scopus).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Modeling the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in Asia (Book Chapter)

Tingsabadh, Charit (Ed.): Fostering Economic Growth through Low Carbon Initiatives in Thailand, pp. 3-18, Chula Global Network, Bangkok, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Book, Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Susila, B; Chontanawat, J; S. Kempegowda, R

A case study on wastewater recycling in hotels of Thailand and Cambodia: Threats and opportunities (Proceeding)

TISD2010: The 3rd Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development International Conference, Nong Khai, Thailand, 2010.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Chontanawat, J

Modelling causality between petroleum consumption and GDP in G7 countries (Proceeding)

World Renewable Energy Congress 2009 – SEE 2009: Asia & The 3rd International Conference on “Sustainable Energy and Environment”, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in G7 countries (Proceeding)

SDSE2008: The Commemorative International Conference on the Occasion of the 4th Cycle Celebration of KMUTT Sustainable Development to Save the Earth: Technologies and Strategies Vision 2050, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Chontanawat, J

Causality between electricity consumption and GDP in Asia developing countries (Proceeding)

The 2nd IAEE Asian Conference on ‘Energy Security and Economic Development under Environmental Constraints in the Asia/Pacific Region’, Perth, Western, Australia, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J

Causality between petroleum consumption and economic growth in OECD and non-OECD countries : A panel cointegration approach (Proceeding)

IAEE ’08: The 31st IAEE International Conference Bridging Energy Supply and Demand: Logistics, Competition and Environment , Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.

(BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)

Chontanawat, J; L.C., Hunt; Pierse, R G

Does energy consumption cause economic growth? : Evidence from a systematic study of over 100 countries (Journal)

2008, (Scopus, Q2).

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, Journal, Q2, Scopus, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)


Chontanawat, J

Exploring the relationship between energy consumption and GDP in developed and developing countries (Proceeding)

The 1st IAEE Asian Conference “Asian Energy Security and Economic Development in an Era of High Oil Prices”, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Humanities, Jaruwan Chontanawat, proceeding, Social Sciences, จารุวรรณ ชนม์ธนวัฒน์)